© Latinas in History 2008

Photograph by Eugen Treivus. Courtesy of Vera Verzun.
Vera Versun was born in the former Soviet Union. She received a degree from Kiev State Conservatory. Since 1989 she has performed with the National Philharmonic Orchestra in Havana, Cuba under the direction of Leo Brower as well as with National Ballet and Opera Orchestra. During this period, Vera continued to study with R. Boyadjiev and E. Tieles, both pupils of D. Oistrakh. She participates in international music festivals as a member of the Chamber Music Society. She has recorded on state radio and television in Havana, Cuba. Vera worked with famous conductors and musicians, such as A. Zhuraitis, V. Dudarova, E. Khachaturian, C. Coppola, G. Feiguin, P. Legran, A. Sandoval, C. Valdes. She has toured in Mexico, Yugoslavia, Poland, Nicaragua, Russia, and Lithuania. In 1991 Vera moved to Canada where she teaches the violin. Since 1995 she has been the Concertmaster of the Celebrity Symphony Orchestra. In 1999 and 2005 Vera received the House of Commons of Canada Award for her contributions to the Celebrity Symphony Orchestra. She also participates in the Chamber Society of Toronto.