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PARAL Studies Series

An Enduring Flame: Studies on Latino Popular Religiosity (Volume I) Edited by Anthony M. Stevens-Arroyo and Ana Maria Diaz-Stevens

Is the first of the four-volume PARAL Studies series. Each of the nine articles in this collection focuses upon a different element of popular religiosity which is described as "the subjective disposition of people to innovate, develop and celebrate religious expressions without clerical or institutional control." The articles employ disciplines as varied as history, sociology,anthropology and theology to examine this important facet of Latino religion. Many Latino cultural attitudes are shown to derive from various religious sources.

Old Masks, New Faces: Religion and Latino Identities (Volume II) Edited by Anthony M. Stevens-Arroyo and Gilbert R. Cadena

Is the second volume of the PARAL Studies series. The collection of eight articles approaches Latino identity from several different religious perspectives. Protestantism, Catholicism, feminism, nationalism and political activism are examined for their impact upon the current self-understanding of Latinos.

Engimatic Powers: Syncretism with African and Indigenous Peoples' Religions Among Latinos (Volume III) Edited by Anthony M. Stevens-Arroyo and AndreEs Perez y Mena

Is the thired volume of the PARAL Studies series. The collection critically examines current theories of syncertism, concluding that the process among Latinos is to complex to be subsumed under formulations generally utilized by students of religion in the United States.

Discovering Latino Religion: A Comprehensive Social Science Bibliography (Volume IV) Edited by Anthony M. Stevens-Arroyo and Segundo Pantoja

Is the fourth volume of the PARAL Studies series. The book features a comprehensive bibliography of social science and related works on Latino religion. The bibliography of some thousand entries is divided into four parts:

  • Social Science Publications
  • Theological and Related Publications
  • Reports, Documents, Unpublished Papers and Bibliographies
  • Theses and Dissertations